
Showing posts from January, 2019

Tech in Everyday Life

What Technology Is in Your Home? Look around your home. Now imagine taking away all the technology . This is probably quite challenging since technology inundates our lives. Beyond the usual suspects, your phone or computer, more basic things are also technological, like your coffee maker, oven, and microwave. It's hard to imagine life today without technology. Since the category of technology is so vast, today we'll focus on four types of technology: batteries, microchips, lasers and fiber optics. Batteries Imagine sitting down after a long day to turn on the television. You click the button on the remote, but nothing happens. Frustrated, you dump out the batteries, only to realize they're past their prime.  Batteries  are tiny cells of chemicals that can be used to generate electricity. The chemicals inside the battery release tiny negatively charged particles called electrons. The electrons flow through the wires connected to the battery to generate electricity

Life With Tech

With the recent expansion of Internet, social media and communication , which has reached a point where pretty, much anything is nowadays accessible with the simple touch of a button; Shopping, learning, working and entertainment can all be accessed from the comfort of our own homes without any efforts. Those are indeed great improvements and technology has certainly a lot to offer but this is also coming at a price; and a relatively crucial one as it is also affecting our Health and Culture… our very own way of life. WHAT TECHNOLOGY BROUGHT IN OUR LIVES? Technology has indeed improved our lives. With the help of electronic components, we are able to read books online. Even the way students learned have changed, today they do not have to go to the library to look for notes and do their research works. Sitting at home, they download reports and eBooks and they will connect with other students who have worked out on the same topic as they and today access to culture and education ha

Ways To Use Technology in Businw

Productivity 1.  Time tracking software  is an excellent tool for mapping out where time is spent, by whom. Such analysis when properly utilized is great for accountability, process improvement, and productivity. 2. Streamline your work processes with digital dictation. 3. Use project management and task management tools to stay on top of your daily business responsibilities. 4. Create a digital filing system to make it easier to sort, save, share and find documents. 5. Develop an efficient email management process that makes it easier to stay on top of the flow of messages. Money Matters 6. Use an online invoicing service to reduce the costs of collecting payment from customers. 7. Use online budget tracking to keep on top of—and reduce—your expenses. 8. File your taxes more efficiently online. 9. Create a new income stream by selling your products online. 10. Use a comprehensive accounting software to streamline your business finances. 11. Share digital files